Юные мушкетеры - Young blades

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Tunnel ... Woman on Train    The Two Mr. Kissels (2008) .... Pris
"Flash Gordon" .... Baylin (2007-2008)
Moment (2007) .... Anne
"The Dresden Files" .... Nancy (2007)
"'Til Death Do Us Part" .... Vicky Milford (2007)
Involuntary Muscles (2007) .... Orania
"Runaway" .... Erin Baxter (2006)
"The Business" .... Scarlett Saint-James (2006)
Lotto 6/66 (2006) .... Lotto Hostess
Flirting with Danger (2006) .... Ellen Antonelli
"Young Blades" .... Jaqueline (2005)
I Do (But I Don't) (2004) .... Darla Tedanski
"Mutant X" .... Lexa Pierce (2003-2004)
"Adventure Inc." .... Mackenzie Previn (2002-2003)
Tunnel (2002) .... Woman on Train
"Undressed" .... Marissa (2002)
"Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension" .... Lind (2002)
Riders (2002) .... Alex
"Vampire High" .... Essie rachimova (2001-2002)
"Big Wolf on Campus" .... Kim (1999-2002)
Summer (2002) .... Stefanie LeDuc
Protection (2001) .... Savannah
Heist (2001/I) (uncredited) .... Alex
"All Souls" .... Gabby Maine (2001)
Stiletto Dance (2001) .... Tamara
Largo Winch: The Heir (2001) .... Danielle Dessaultels
Dorian (2001) .... Christine
Wrong Number (2001) .... Karla Mackay
Race Against Time (2000) .... Irina, Lifecorps Receptionist
The Collectors (1999) .... Kate
"Misguided Angels" (1999) TV series .... Marsha
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1999) .... Muriel



Видела ее в сериале "Флеш Гордон". Том она играет Бейли - женщину из другого мира, которая помогает Флешу найти отца. Ее игра понравилась: видно сразу, что талантливая актрисса.


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